Monday 24 August 2009

Learn How to Read Tarot Cards Through Colour

When learning to read tarot cards, one of the most important things to do is to put any books to one side and take a really good look the cards.

Ultimately you want to build a relationship with your own deck of cards and over time you will build your own interpretations of each card.

Colour plays a very important part in a deck of tarot cards, particularly in the Rider Waite Tarot deck, which is a great deck to start with on your journey to learn to read tarot cards.

The dominant Colours of a card have an immediate impact on our senses, how we feel about that card and any messages that your intuition may be trying to give you.

When you draw a card, take a moment to have a good look at it, to notice the Colours and to observe how the card makes you feel. The first reaction you get will be the right one for you, so it is very important not to dismiss it.

Look at the pictures. What is actually happening in the card? Does anything leap out at you? Do you get any particular feelings when you look at certain cards? Do some cards give you an instant feel-good feeling or an instant feeling of dread?

Make a note of any observations that you make in your Tarot journal.

Yellow as a dominant colour generally gives a bright, optimistic, sunshine feel to the card. This will often relate to our feelings and our outward expression of things.

Red as the strongest colour will often be pointing towards material things and matters to do with external world.

There are several cards with Blue as the predominant colour and this will often relate to matters of the emotions, the inner self

A dominance of Green indicates things to do with the Earth and Nature.

White is colour of purity, innocence and light. Cards with a dominance of White may contain  important messages in relation to our spiritual side.

There are some cards which are very dark in colour or have a predominance of Black in them. As first sight those can cause a sharp intake of breath and maybe a momentary fleeting fear.

Black can have different Meanings across different cultures. In some places it is symbol of death. In others it is a symbol of resurrection and new beginnings. In others it is a symbol of power.

Grey is traditionally associated with old age and wisdom.

Colours also relate to the chakra points or energy centres in our bodies. Each of those colours and chakra points has a different meaning and are also very relevant to our interpretations of the tarot cards.

The diagram below shows the Chakra points and the colours associated with them. It is important to bear them in mind when you are reading your Tarot cards.

For more information on Learning How to Read Tarot Cards, please visit

Amanda Goldston
Tarot Author, Reader and Coach